KLM KLM428 - KLM - 777-300ER/777-300ER BBJ/BBJ (777-300ER) (B77W) - PH-BVP

Additional Data

Additional information as it flew nearby

Ground Speed
1135 km/h
Heading (degrees)
305 (West-Northwest)
10973 m
Lat: 50.1696 Lng: 19.2611
Date (UTC)
Jun 25, 2024 2:29
Distance from Departure Airport
4145 km
Distance to Arrival Airport
1035 km

Last 5 Flights of this Aircraft (PH-BVP)

IdentAircraftComing fromFromGoing toToOwner nameOwnerDate
PH-BVP - B77W - KLM KLM792 BOEING 777-300ER B77W Sao Paulo, Brazil (SBGR) SBGR
9408 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands (EHAM) EHAM
442 km
Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:29:52 +0000 1/7/2024 11:29 am
PH-BVP - B77W - KLM KLM791 BOEING 777-300ER B77W Amsterdam, Netherlands (EHAM) EHAM
453 km
Sao Paulo, Brazil (SBGR) SBGR
9368 km
Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Sun, 30 Jun 2024 12:12:32 +0000 30/6/2024 12:12 pm
PH-BVP - B77W - KLM KLM592 BOEING 777-300ER B77W Olifants River Bridge, South Africa (FAOR) FAOR
9023 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands (EHAM) EHAM Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Sun, 30 Jun 2024 07:41:10 +0000 30/6/2024 7:41 am
PH-BVP - B77W - KLM KLM592 BOEING 777-300ER B77W Olifants River Bridge, South Africa (FAOR) FAOR
8253 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands (EHAM) EHAM
822 km
Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Sun, 30 Jun 2024 06:34:21 +0000 30/6/2024 6:34 am
PH-BVP - B77W - KLM KLM591 BOEING 777-300ER B77W Amsterdam, Netherlands (EHAM) EHAM
1071 km
Olifants River Bridge, South Africa (FAOR) FAOR
8005 km
Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Klm Royal Dutch Airlines Sat, 29 Jun 2024 10:27:20 +0000 29/6/2024 10:27 am