
AirlineAir Austral
Flight HistoryView the Flight History of this callsign

The table below shows the detailed information of all flights with the ident/callsign of REU971.

Ident Aircraft Coming fromFrom Going toTo Owner nameOwnerRouteRouteDate
F-OLRE - B77W - Air Austral REU971 BOEING 777-300ER B77W St.-denis, Reunion (FMEE) FMEE
9353 km
Paris, France (LFPG) LFPG
16 km
Air Austral Air Austral Lyon, France (LFLL) LFLL
Sun, 21 Apr 2024 18:02:44 +0000 21/4/2024 6:02 pm
F-OLRE - B77W - Air Austral REU971 BOEING 777-300ER B77W St.-denis, Reunion (FMEE) FMEE
8823 km
Paris, France (LFPG) LFPG
549 km
Air Austral Air Austral Lyon, France (LFLL) LFLL
Sun, 21 Apr 2024 17:20:59 +0000 21/4/2024 5:20 pm
F-OLRE - B77W - Air Austral REU971 BOEING 777-300ER B77W St.-denis, Reunion (FMEE) FMEE
8177 km
Paris, France (LFPG) LFPG
1225 km
Air Austral Air Austral Lyon, France (LFLL) LFLL
Sun, 21 Apr 2024 16:30:57 +0000 21/4/2024 4:30 pm
F-OLRE - B77W - Air Austral REU971 BOEING 777-300ER B77W St.-denis, Reunion (FMEE) FMEE
7536 km
Paris, France (LFPG) LFPG
1863 km
Air Austral Air Austral Lyon, France (LFLL) LFLL
Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:42:04 +0000 21/4/2024 3:42 pm